Significant Shareholders

Dukemount Capital plc's shares are traded the London Stock Exchange Main market.

The Dukemount Capital plc ticker code is DKE.

Allotted: 1,719,316,623 Ordinary Shares of 0.1p each.

No securities are held as treasury shares.

25.03% of Dukemount Capital plc shares are not held in public hands.

There are no restrictions on the transfer of shares.

Latest Share Price and Trades

To see the latest share price and trades in Dukemount Capital plc shares click here.

Significant Shareholders

As at 20/05/2024, as far as the Directors are aware, the following shareholders are Company Directors or interested in 3% or more of the issued share capital of the Company.

Name Number of Ordinary Shares % of Issued Share Capital
Richard and Charlotte Edwards 430,000,000 25.01
Mr Adrian Crucefix 187,500,000 10.90
Stev Xerri 163,000,000 9.48
Paul Gazzard * 400,000 0.02


* Paul Gazzard is a Director of the Company



Warning to Shareholders

Along with other UK listed companies, Dukemount Capital plc has been asked to warn shareholders about the threat from unauthorised, high-pressure sales firms, known colloquially as ‘boiler rooms’. Often based overseas, boiler room operations target investors illegally offering to sell them non-tradable, overpriced or even non-existent shares.

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has produced a share fraud warning leaflet, which provides practical advice for those approached by boiler rooms, including a list of 10 guidance points.  Please click here to view the FCA guidance leaflet.