Dukemount Capital Directors
Richard Edwards, Executive Director
Richard Edwards is an entrepreneur and professional investor with many years of experience in investing in small-cap companies across a wide range of sectors including mining, oil and gas, IT, healthcare and green technology. Richard has significant experience in investing in cash shells.
Richard is also the Senior Partner at a boutique firm of Chartered Accountants specialising in tax advisory, compliance and accounting services for private clients.
Paul Gazzard, Non-Executive Director
Paul has over 10 years’ experience of working across investing institutions in the City of London in his previous role as a fund manager. He worked with the Panmure Gordon Asset Management team until August 2002 when he transitioned into the commercial financing sector. Between August 2002 and May 2010, Paul participated in the listing of companies on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange, operating at senior Executive level within each of the companies.
Since then Paul has worked as a consultant across various AIM listed companies, advising on corporate and financing related matters. In addition to working as an adviser to several high net worth individuals on specific corporate and management issues relating to their investment portfolios as well as founding a number of private companies in the financial services and other sectors.